WedLinker Developer Guide


WedLinker is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.
The following java classes in the directory tp\src\main\java\seedu\address\model\task were taken from one of our team member's CS2103T Individual Project (IP). These classes were modified to align with the requirements of the project

  • Task, Todo, Deadline, Event

ChatGPT by OpenAI was used by DanzaSeah to:

  • Rephrase the JavaDocs of Task and Tag related classes to be more concise and clear,
  • Seek suggestions for organising and improving existing test cases,
  • Come up with better or more appropriate class and method names.

External Java libraries were also used in the project for various functionalities:

  • JavaFX: for the GUI
  • JUnit5: for Unit testing
  • Jackson: for processing JSON files

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



The Architecture Diagram given below explains the high-level design of the App, giving a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture The bulk of the app's work is done by the UI, Logic, Model, and Storage components.

  • Main:

    • Consists of classes Main MainApp
    • Responsible for app launch and shutdown.
    • At launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence and connects them.
    • At shutdown, it terminates the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.
  • UI:

    • The interface of the app (WedLinker) that the user primarily interacts with.
    • Displays relevant information (e.g., wedding details) from Model.
    • Receives commands from user input.
  • Logic:

    • The command executor.
  • Model:

    • Holds the data of the app in memory, which can be altered by commands.
    • Some data is displayed to the user via the UI.
  • Storage:

    • Reads data from, and writes data to, the locally stored data/addressbook.json file.
  • Commons:

    • Represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as {Component}.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI Component


The UI component handles interactions between the user and the app's graphical interface, leveraging JavaFX to define and display various UI elements.

  1. Structure:

    • The UI consists of a MainWindow composed of several parts like CommandBox, StatusBarFooter, ResultDisplay, and various *ListPanels.
    • Each UI part, including MainWindow, inherits from the abstract class (UiPart), capturing commonalities among visible GUI components.
  2. Class Diagram:

    • Diagram showing the UI structure:

      Structure of the UI Component
  3. JavaFX and Layout Files:

  4. Responsibilities:

    • Executes user commands by interfacing with the Logic component.
    • Listens for updates to Model data to refresh the UI with modified information.
    • Maintains a reference to Logic, relying on it for command execution.
    • Accesses specific Model classes to display Person objects managed within Model.

Logic Component


The Logic component processes user inputs passed through the UI, utilizing a series of parsers to generate Command instances, which are then executed. Here’s an overview:

  1. User Input Processing:

    • User input is received from the UI and passed to Logic.
    • The input is parsed by AddressBookParser, which delegates to the appropriate parser (e.g., DeleteCommandParser), creating the relevant Command instance.
    • LogicManager executes the Command, interacting with the Model to make necessary updates (e.g., deleting a person).
    • Execution results are encapsulated in a CommandResult and returned to Logic, which relays the outcome back to the UI.
  2. Class Diagram:

    • Partial diagram of the Logic component:

  3. Sequence Diagram:

    • Example interaction in the Logic component for execute("delete 1") (from user inputting delete 1 on UI):

      Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

      Note: The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X), but due to a PlantUML limitation, it continues to the end of the diagram.

  4. Parser Classes:

    • Other classes in Logic handle command parsing:

    • Parsing flow:

      • AddressBookParser identifies the specific command parser needed (e.g., AddCommandParser, DeleteCommandParser).
      • Each XYZCommandParser (e.g., AddCommandParser) implements the Parser interface, allowing for consistent handling and testing.
      • The parser processes the user command, creating the relevant Command object (e.g., AddCommand), which AddressBookParser returns to Logic.

Model Component


The Model component handles the data and state management for the app, storing all entities and providing an interface for accessing and updating them.

  1. Structure:

    • The Model stores various types of data:
      • Person objects within a UniquePersonList.
      • Wedding objects within a UniqueWeddingList.
      • Tag objects within a UniqueTagList.
      • Task objects within a UniqueTaskList.
  2. Class Diagram:

    • Diagram of the Model structure:

  3. Responsibilities:

    • Data Storage:
      • Maintains address book data, including lists of Person, Wedding, Tag and Task objects.
    • Filtered Views:
      • Provides filtered lists of Person objects (e.g., search results), exposing these as an unmodifiable ObservableList. This allows the UI to automatically update in response to changes.
    • User Preferences:
      • Stores user preferences in a UserPref object, which is accessible externally as ReadOnlyUserPref.
    • Independence:
      • The Model does not rely on other components, as it represents the app’s core data entities, which should be logically self-contained.

Storage component


  1. Functionality:

    • Supports saving and loading both address book data and user preferences as JSON files.
    • Reads JSON data into corresponding in-memory objects for the app's use.
  2. Inheritance:

    • Inherits from AddressBookStorage and UserPrefStorage, allowing it to be used interchangeably with either interface, depending on the functionality needed.
  3. Dependencies:

    • Depends on classes within the Model component, as Storage is tasked with saving and retrieving Model-related objects.
  4. Class Diagram:

    • Diagram illustrating Storage structure:

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.address.commons package.

Notable classes include StringUtil and ToStringBuilder which help to perform operations like checking whether a string includes non-zero unsigned integer, or whether there is a partial match for a word. These can be found in seedu.address.commons.util.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Force Feature

The Force feature is a quality of life addition for WedLinker. It enables users to bypass certain checks in the Logic in a controlled manner to make usage easier. The force feature is applicable for the following commands:

  • Tag: Creates a Tag if it does not exist in WedLinker before tagging the Person.
  • Delete Tag: Unassigns the target Tag from all contacts before deleting it.
  • Assign Wedding: Creates a Wedding if it does not exist in WedLinker before assigning the Person to the Wedding.
  • Delete Wedding: Unassigns all Person from the Wedding before deleting it.
  • Unassign Vendor: Unassigns all Task from the Vendor before making the Vendor a Person.


The force functionality can be used with the above functions by including f/ at the end of the command. Additional inputs following the f/ are extraneous and would be discarded.

Example usage: delete-tag t/Photographer f/

Step 1. The user executes delete-tag t/Photographer f/.

Step 2. The parser will search through the user input to find f/. f/ is implemented as a Prefix. User inputs after f/ will be ignored.

Step 3. The parser will construct the DeleteTagCommand differently based on the presence of the force flag.

Step 4. During DeleteTagCommand#execute(), the force flag is checked. If present, it unassigns all Persons with the Tag Photographer before deleting Photographer.

Tag Feature

The Tag Feature allows users to store additional details of a Person in WedLinker. Tags support the following functions:

  • Create Tag — Creates a Tag in WedLinker to be used as additional information of any Person.
  • Tag — Assigns Tag to a `Person.
  • Untag — Unassigns a Tag from a Person.
  • Delete Tag — Deletes the Tag from WedLinker.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how Tags are used in WedLinker.

Step 1. The user launches the application, Tags are loaded into the Model.

Step 2. The user executes create-tag t/Photographer. WedLinker will check if Photographer already exist. WedLinker will create a Tag based on the name provided if the Tag does not exist. In this case: Photographer.

Step 3. The user executes tag 1 t/Photographer to tag the first Person with Photographer.

Step 4. The user executes list-tags to view all Tags in WedLinker. This will switch the right panel to a Tag view.

Step 5. The user executes find t/Photographer to find all Person that has the tag of Photographer.

Step 6. The user executes untag 1 t/Photographer. WedLinker removes the Photographer tag from the first person.

Step 7. The user executes delete-tag t/Photographer. WedLinker deletes the Photographer tag.

Tag supports the force functionality for easier usage.

Force is supported for the following functions:

  • Tag (Creates the Tag if it does not already exist in WedLinker.)
  • Delete Tag (Unassigns all Person from the Tag before it is deleted.)
Known bugs: - Tag names with very long names overflow in the People view. No issues to functionality. Longer tag names can be viewed as truncated in the Tag view. Tag view can be accessed using the list-tags command. Alternatively, use `Task` to write longer information.

Wedding Feature

The Wedding Feature allows users to store details of a Wedding in WedLinker. Wedding contains the Contacts involved to facilitate easy planning and consolidation for wedding planners. Wedding would support the following functions:

  • Create Wedding — Creates a Wedding in WedLinker to allow compilation of information.
  • Assign Wedding — Assigns Person to a Wedding. This can be the Partners or Guest.
  • Edit Wedding — Edits the information for a Wedding. Editable information includes the Wedding Name, Address and Date.
  • Unassign Wedding — Unassigns a Person from a Wedding.
  • Delete Wedding — Deletes the Wedding from WedLinker.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how Weddings are used in WedLinker.

Step 1. The user launches the application, Weddings are loaded into the Model.

Step 2. The user executes create-wedding w/Test Wedding 1. WedLinker will create a Wedding based on the name provided. In this case: Test Wedding 1.

Step 3. The user executes assign-wedding 1 w/Test Wedding 1 to assign a Person to Test Wedding 1. WedLinker includes the Person in the Guest List.

Step 4. If the user executes assign-wedding 1 w/Test Wedding 1 p1/, WedLinker will assign the Person as a partner instead.

Step 5. To view the Weddings in WedLinker, use list-weddings. This will switch the right panel to a Wedding view.

Step 6. The user executes edit-wedding 1 w/Test Wedding 2 a/Fullerton Hotel. Test Wedding 1 will have its name edited to Test Wedding 2 and its address be changed to Fullerton Hotel. If the right panel is still in the Wedding view, the changes will be reflected.

Step 7. The user executes unassign-wedding 1 w/Test Wedding 2. WedLinker would unassign the Person from Test Wedding 2.

Step 8. The user executes delete-wedding w/Test Wedding 2. WedLinker would delete Test Wedding 2.

Wedding supports the force functionality for easier usage.

Force is supported for the following functions:

  • Assign Wedding (Creates the Wedding if it does not already exist in WedLinker.)
  • Delete Wedding (Unassigns all Person from the Wedding before it is deleted.)
Known bugs: - Wedding names with very long names overflow in the People view. No issues to functionality. Longer Wedding names can be viewed as truncated in the Wedding view. Wedding view can be accessed using the list-weddings command.


The Vendor Feature allows users to track which Person are Vendors and assign Tasks to them. Only Vendors can be assigned Tasks. Vendor would support the following functions:

  • Assign Vendor — Assigns an existing Person in WedLinker to become a Vendor.
  • Unassign Vendor — Unassigns a Vendor to become a non-vendor Person contact.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how Vendors are used in WedLinker.

Step 1. The user launches the application, Persons and Vendors are loaded into the Model.

Step 2. The user executes assign-vendor 1. WedLinker will assign the Person at index 1 of the current displayed person list to become a Vendor. The user can now assign Tasks to this contact.

Step 3. The user executes unassign-vendor 1. The contact is no longer a Vendor and exists as a non-Vendor Person in WedLinker.

Vendor supports the force functionality for easier usage.

Force is supported for the following functions:

  • Unassign Vendor (Unassigns all existing Task from the Vendor before downgrading to a Person.)


The Task Feature allows users to track Tasks when planning for a Wedding. Tasks can only be assigned to Vendors. There are different types of Task to support different requirements for the users.

Task type: Todo Todo is the simplest kind of Task which has a description to provide information about the Task.

Task type: Deadline Deadline is a type of Task which has a description to provide information and supports a due Date.

Task type: Event Event is a type of Task which has a description to provide information and supports a start and end Date.

Task supports the following functions:

  • Create Task —  Creates a new Task in WedLinker.
  • Assign Task —  Assigns an existing Task to a Vendor. Tasks can only be assigned to Vendors.
  • Unassign Task —  Unassigns a Task from a Vendor.
  • Delete Task —  Deletes a Task from WedLinker.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how Tasks are used in WedLinker.

Step 1. The user launches the application, Tasks are loaded into the Model.

Step 2. The user executes create-task Order Wedding Cake. WedLinker will create a new Task in the Task List.

Step 3. The user executes assign-task 1 1 to assign the Task at index 1 of the Task List to the Vendor at index 1 on the Person List.

Step 4. The user executes unassign-task 1 1 to assign the Task at index 1 of the Task List from the Vendor at index 1 on the Person List.

Step 5. The user executes unassign-task 1 1 to assign the Task at index 1 of the Task List from the Vendor at index 1 on the Person List.

Step 6. The user executes delete-task 1 to delete the Task at index 1 of the Task List from the WedLinker.

Switch Views

WedLinker features a split-view interface designed to display different lists side by side. The left side of the screen consistently shows the Person List, while the right side dynamically displays one of the following lists based on user input: Wedding List, Task List, or Tag List. This functionality is managed through an enumeration that defines the available views: WEDDING, TASK, and TAG. The system switches between these views based on the user's actions, ensuring a flexible and intuitive user experience.

View supports the following functions: List Weddings —  displays a list of all weddings. List Tasks —  displays a list of all tasks. List Tags —  displays a list of all tags.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how Tasks are used in WedLinker.

Step 1. The user launches the application, Weddings, Tasks and Tags are loaded into the Model.

Step 2. The user executes list-weddings. WedLinker display a list of all Weddings on the right half of the screen.

Step 3. The user executes list-tasks. WedLinker display a list of all Tasks on the right half of the screen.

Step 4. The user executes list-tags. WedLinker display a list of all Tags on the right half of the screen.

Design considerations:

Aspect: Force Functionality:

  • Alternative 1: Users have to strictly follow the restrictions in running commands in WedLinker.

    • Pros: This is easier to implement and would be more stable
    • Cons: This might be restrictive and could slow down the usage.
  • Alternative 2: Users have the ability to bypass some restrictions in a controlled manner.

    • Pros: This would improve the ease of use.
    • Cons: Additional code is required to ensure controlled execution.

{more aspects and alternatives to be added}

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile: Professional Wedding Planners

  • needs to manage a significant number of contacts
  • needs to manage multiple weddings happening at differing times
  • needs to manage contacts across multiple weddings
  • prefers desktop apps over other types
  • can type fast
  • prefers typing to mouse interactions
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

Value proposition: Simplifies managing wedding-related contacts through text-based commands by providing a centralized wedding planning management system designed to efficiently handle the complexities of coordinating with multiple vendors, venues, and clients, while streamlining communication and event planning tasks.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Those without any stars are user stories that were considered but will not be implemented at this time.

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that…​
* * * user add tag(s) to each contact based on created tags such as florist, musician etc. I can easily understand the group this person belongs to.
* * * user add a phone number associated with each contact I can easily find the contact information for each contact.
* * * user add the address associated with each contact I can easily find the address of each contact.
* * * user search contacts by tag I can quickly see all the groups under the same tag, and find the right vendor based on the type of services provided.
* * * user add new contacts into WedLinker I can store the contact details of new contacts.
* * * user delete contacts that are no longer needed I can remove unnecessary contacts and have a more organised address book.
* * * user search for contacts by name, address, phone number, email, wedding and task I can find specific contacts that I am looking for.
* * * user create tags I can have special categories for non traditional clients.
* * user edit information such as the contact number and address of each contact I can ensure all contacts have the most updated information.
* * user clear all the contacts in the system I can clear all my contacts quickly without having to individually delete them if I want to add in a completely new set of contacts.
* * user assign each guest contact its dietary requirements status I can track the dietary requirement of each guest.
* * user sort contacts by alphabetical order I can easily find the contacts required in a large address book.
* * user assign additional information for each contact I can include important notes that may not fit into other categories, such as reminders for what the contact might need.
* * first-time user see some sample contacts already available in the app I can try out the different features without needing to add my own data (e.g allocating people to wedding, allocating task to contacts).
* * careless, first-time user reload the sample contacts into the app I can continue trying out different features without needing to add my own data in case I accidentally cleared the contacts.
* * first-time user see a help message linking to a guide on the features and how the features can be used I can easily try out all the different features with correct formats by referring to the linked guide.
* * lazy user want to use shortcuts for the existing commands I can quickly access features without needing to type the full command word.
* * lazy user want to bypass certain restraints on commands I can quickly access features while bypassing controls in a safe manner.
* * user assign tasks to certain contacts I can track which tasks have been assigned to each contact.
* * user update the status of tasks of contacts I can track whether tasks have been completed or not.
* * busy user add multiple wedding events I can track contacts for multiple weddings at once.
* * busy user assign each contact to a wedding I can easily see which contacts are relevant to each wedding.
* * user assign dates to a wedding I can keep track of when different weddings are scheduled.
* forgetful user create links between different contacts, such as assigning a vendor to a bride or groom in a wedding I can easily navigate from key stakeholders in the wedding that I remember better to vendors who I might not remember as well.
* user re-assign tasks to another contact I can account for vendors suddenly being unavailable.
* user store multiple contact methods I can contact the vendors through different means.
user exclude tags from search and filter I can focus on contacts that are relevant to certain events or requirements without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information.
user add a tag to each guest indicating their table number I can track the table each guest is seated at.
user assign a rating out of 5 to each vendor I can track the experience with this vendor for future reference.
user send out information in standardised formatting by text or email from the application I can efficiently send out information without any mistakes.
user share the contact details to relevant third-parties for bookings (eg: venue bookings, suit/dress rental, etc.) I can easily send out all relevant information (including dietary restriction, and other tags) to all the third-parties.
busy user autocomplete existing tags when user is inputting tag information I can quickly assign roles for people that might be working with others I have already input into the system and not have to type the same roles in multiple times.
user assign availability to vendors I can check who will be available for a particular wedding.
user filter availability of vendors I can easily find vendors that can cater to a wedding.
user set reminders for tasks to different contacts I can easily track and follow up with clients and vendors for deliverables.
user see a list of all tasks and reminders I have assigned to contacts in its own window I can quickly and easily see what my earliest priorities are and act on them quickly.
user see a calendar view of tasks, reminders, and weddings I have assigned I can see the whole timelines of my planned weddings and see how much time there is between tasks.
user set privacy setting for different contacts I can keep personal and sensitive information private when sharing address book.
careless user receive a prompt that requires me to key in a confirmation that I want to delete a contact or clear the address book I can avoid losing all my contacts when I accidentally type delete/ clear.
user add certain vendors as favorites I can remember which vendors performed well and see if they are favorites.
user access a list of all my favorite vendors I can easily check who the best vendors were that I previously engaged with.
user generate a checklist of all the contacts for a particular wedding, grouped by roles I can keep track of who is meant to be present at the wedding.
user assign a time for each contact for when they are meant to arrive I can easily keep track of which people are on time and check who to contact in case they have not arrived yet.
user attach extra documents as a file to various contacts I can store all the information in one place, eg. Invoices from a vendor.
user categorize tasks based on its nature (e.g. procurement, arrangement) I can view tasks in a more organised manner.
user key in the table number and get the list of guests seated at that table I can quickly identify all the groups seated at one table.

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the WedLinker and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use Cases beginning with 'UC' cover core WedLinker functionalities.

Use Cases beginning with 'UCSH' cover non-core WedLinker functionalities.

Use case: UC01 — List all Contacts


  1. User requests to view all contacts.

  2. The system retrieves and displays the list of all contacts to the user.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC02 — List all Weddings

Similar to UC01 except to view weddings instead of contacts.

Use case: UC03 — List all Tasks

Similar to UC01 except to view tasks instead of contacts.

Use case: UC04 — List all Tags

Similar to UC01 except to view tags instead of contacts.

Use case: UC05 — Create a Contact


  1. User requests to create a contact with the corresponding details.

  2. The system adds the contact and displays a success message.

  3. The system shows the new contact in WedLinker.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact already exists.

    • 1a1. System does not create a new contact.

    • 1a2. System informs the user the contact already exists.

      Use case ends.

Use case: UC06 — Create a Wedding

Similar to UC05 except adding a wedding to WedLinker instead of a Contact

Use case: UC07 — Create a Task

Similar to UC05 except adding a task to WedLinker instead of a Contact

Use case: UC08 — Create a Tag

Similar to UC05 except adding a tag to WedLinker instead of a Contact

Use case: UC09 — Add Phone Number to Contact


  • No duplicate phone numbers will be stored in two different contacts.


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User requests to add phone number for a contact with the corresponding details.

  3. The system adds the phone number to the contact and displays a success message.

  4. The system displays the updated contact information in the address book.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The system detects an error in the entered data.

    • 2a1. The system displays an error message

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC10 — Add Address to Contact

Similar to UC09 except duplicated addresses are allowed

Use case: UC11 — Add Email to Contact

Similar to UC09 except duplicated email addresses are allowed

Use case: UC12 — Tag a Contact


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User lists all tags (UC04).

  3. User requests to tag a contact with a specified tag.

  4. System displays the updated contact with the new tag assigned to them, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a.The tag list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 3a. The contact already has the specified tag assigned to them.

    • 3a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 3b. User specified to force the tagging of a contact.

    • 3b1. System displays the specified tag, in the tag list.

      Use case resumes at step 4.

  • 3c. The specified tag name does not exist.

    • 3c1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC13 — Untag a Contact


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User lists all tags (UC04).

  3. User requests to untag a contact with a specified tag.

  4. System displays the updated contact with the tag unassigned from them, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a.The tag list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 3a. The specified tag name does not exist.

    • 3a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3b. The contact does not have the specified tag assigned to them.

    • 3b1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC14 — Search for Contacts by Name


  1. User searches for the contact by name.

  2. System shows a list of contacts containing the name.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UC15 — Search for Contacts by Tag

Similar to UC14 except searching for contacts by tag.

Use case: UC16 — Search for Contacts by Wedding

Similar to UC14 except searching for contacts by wedding.

Use case: UC17 — Search for Contacts by Phone Number

Similar to UC14 except searching for contacts by phone number.

Use case: UC18 — Search for Contacts by Address

Similar to UC14 except searching for contacts by address.

Use case: UC19 — Search for Contacts by Email Address

Similar to UC14 except searching for contacts by email address.

Use case: UC20 — Search for Wedding by Wedding Name

Similar to UC14 except searching for wedding by wedding name.

Use case: UC21 — Search for Task by Task Name

Similar to UC14 except searching for task by task name.

Use case: UC22 — Assign a Contact to one or more Weddings


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User lists all weddings (UC02).

  3. User requests to assign a contact to a wedding.

  4. System displays the contact being associated with the specified wedding, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The wedding list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 3a. The contact is already assigned to the specified wedding.

    • 3a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3b. User specified to force the assigning of a contact to a wedding

    • 3b1. System displays the specified Wedding, in the Wedding list.

      Use case resumes at step 4.

  • 3c. A specified wedding does not exist.

    • 3c1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC23 — Unassign a Contact from one or more Weddings


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User lists all weddings (UC02).

  3. User requests to unassign a contact from a wedding.

  4. System displays the contact no longer being associated with the specified wedding, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The wedding list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 3a. A specified wedding does not exist.

    • 3a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3b. The contact is not assigned to the specified wedding.

    • 3a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC24 — Assigning a Vendor


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User requests to assign a contact as a Vendor.

  3. System displays the contact being designated as a vendor, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The given index is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in a valid index.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. The contact is already a Vendor.

    • 2a1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC25 — Unassigning a Vendor


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User requests to unassign the contact as a vendor.

  3. System shows the contact is no longer a vendor in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The given index is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in a valid index.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. The contact specified is not a Vendor.

    • 2b1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. The user specified to force the unassigning of a Vendor.

    • 2c1. System displays the contact with no tasks assigned to them, in the list of contacts.

      Use case resumes at step 3.

  • 2d. The Vendor still has tasks assigned to them.

    • 2d1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC26 — Assign one or more Tasks to a Contact


  1. User lists all tasks (UC03).

  2. User requests to assign a task to a contact.

  3. System displays the contact being assigned with the specified task, in the list of contacts.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 1b. The task list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The given index is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in a valid index.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. A specified task does not exist in the System.

    • 2b1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC27 — Unassign one or more Tasks from a Contact

Similar to UC26 except un-assigning tasks from a contact and an additional extension.

  • 2b. A specified task is not assigned to the contact.
    • 2b1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC28 — Mark one or more Tasks as Completed


  1. User lists all tasks (UC03).

  2. User requests to mark specified task(s) as completed.

  3. System displays the updated task status of the specified task(s) in the list of tasks.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. A specified task index is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in a valid index.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC29 — Mark one or more Tasks as not Completed

Similar to UC28 except marking tasks as not completed.

Use case: UC30 — Delete Contact


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User requests to delete a specific person in the list.

  3. System deletes the contact.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The to-be-deleted contact is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to delete a valid contact. Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC31 — Delete Wedding

Similar to UC30 except deleting wedding and two additional extensions.

  • 2b. User specified to force the deletion of the wedding.

    • 2b1. System displays an updated list of contacts with the specified wedding not assigned to any contacts.

      Use case resumes at step 3.

  • 2c. There are one or more contacts still assigned to the specified wedding

    • 2c1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UC32 — Delete Task

Similar to UC30 except deleting task.

Use case: UC33 — Delete Tag

Similar to UC30 except deleting tag and two additional extensions.

  • 2b. User specified to force the deletion of the tag.

    • 2b1. System displays an updated list of contacts with the specified tag absent from all contacts.

      Use case resumes at step 3.

  • 2c. A specified tag is still assigned to one or more contacts.

    • 2c1. System displays an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UCSH01 — Edit details for a Contact


  1. User lists all contacts (UC01).

  2. User requests to edit the details of a person and specifies what they want to change the details to.

  3. System changes the existing details to the specified details and shows list of persons with new details.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The list is empty. Use case ends.

  • 2a. The given index is invalid.

    • 2a1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in a valid index.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. The user does not specify what type of details they want to change.

    • 2b1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in the type of details they want to edit.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. The user does not specify what the new details should be.

    • 2c1. System shows an error message prompting the user to put in the new details.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. The user specifies details that do not meet the requirements of the detail type.

    • 2d1. System shows an error message prompting the user with the correct detail type format and requirements.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: UCSH02 — Edit details for a Wedding

Similar to UCSH01 except editing for wedding.

Use case: UCSH03 — Clear all contacts


  • No persons will be left in the system.


  1. User requests to clear all contacts.

  2. System deletes all contacts and shows a blank list of persons.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UCSH04 — See sample contacts in the system before starting to modify it

Preconditions: User has not added or edited contacts previously.


  1. User opens the application.

  2. System shows a list of sample contacts.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UCSH05 — Reload sample contacts in the system


  1. User deletes save file of WedLinker.

  2. System shows a list of sample contacts upon restarting application.

    Use case ends.

Use case: UCSH06 — See a list of all possible commands


  1. User requests to see a list of all possible commands they can use in the system.

  2. System shows a link to the list of commands with their corresponding input format.

    Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance Requirements

  • P1: The system should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  • P2: The application should respond within two seconds for most user operations.

Usability Requirements

  • U1: A user with above-average typing speed for regular English text (not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most tasks faster using keyboard commands than using the mouse.
  • U2: The application should target users who can type fast and prefer typing over other means of input, such as clicking buttons, selecting dropdowns and drag-and-drop means.
  • U3: The GUI should provide clear and user-friendly error messages when operations fail to assist users in correcting mistakes.
  • U4: The GUI should not cause any resolution-related inconveniences for standard screen resolutions of 1920x1080 and higher, and for screen scales of 100% and 125%.
  • U5: The GUI should be usable for resolutions of 1280x720 and higher, and for screen scales of 150%.

Compatibility Requirements

  • C1: The application should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 17 or above installed.
  • C2: The application should be platform-independent and work on Windows, Linux, and OS-X without relying on OS-dependent libraries or features.
  • C3: The application should not depend on the developer’s own remote server.

Data Requirements

  • D1: The application should not use a Database Management System (DBMS) for data storage.
  • D2: Data stored in the address book should be stored locally, in a human-editable text file.
  • D2: The entire application should be packaged into a single JAR file.
  • D3: The JAR file size should be within 100 MB and should not be unnecessarily bloated.
  • D4: PDF documents generated for documentation should have a file size within 15 MB and should not be unnecessarily bloated.

Documentation Requirements

  • Doc1: Documentation should be saved in PDF format using Chrome, not any other browser, and should be PDF-friendly (no expandable panels, embedded videos, or animated GIFs).
  • Doc2: The Developer Guide and User Guide should be well-structured and easily navigable in PDF format. A new user should be able to quickly locate relevant information for using the product.

Development Process Requirements

  • DP1: The software should be developed in a breadth-first incremental manner over the project duration.
  • DP2: The project is expected to adhere to the milestone deadlines set for every week.

Reliability and Stability Requirements

  • R1: The application should not crash under normal operations and should handle errors gracefully without data loss.
  • R2: The application should maintain a stable performance over extended usage periods.

Maintainability Requirements

  • M1: The software should primarily follow the Object-Oriented programming paradigm. Having a modular structure allows for the addition of new features with minimal disruption to existing functionality.

Quality Requirements

  • Q1: The software should be usable by a novice who has never used it before.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS
  • Contact: Contact details of an entry which includes minimally a name. Phone number, address, email address and tags are optional.
  • Tag: An custom-made field that can be associated to contacts for ease of grouping/filtering
  • Vendor: Businesses or persons who offer wedding services, like florists, musicians, venue in-charge, etc.
  • User: The wedding planner who is using WedLinker

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder.

    2. Open the terminal and change into the directory where the jar file is stored.

    3. Enter java -jar WedLinker.jar into the terminal to run the WedLinker application.
      Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts, weddings, tasks, and tags. The window size may not be optimum.

  2. Saving window preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by enter java -jar WedLinker.jar into the terminal again.
      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

  3. Resetting sample data

    1. Open the folder where the WedLinker.jar file is.

    2. Directly delete the data folder in the same directory.

    3. Alternatively, open the data folder and delete the addressbook.json file stored there.

    4. Re-launch the app by entering java -jar WedLinker.jar into the terminal again.
      Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts, weddings, tasks, and tags.

    5. Refer to saving data to understand how data is saved during operation.

Quick Guide to Prefixes and Commands

  1. WedLinker uses prefixes to parse the required fields for the commands.

    • name: n/
    • phone: p/
    • email: e/
    • address: a/
    • tag: t/
    • date: d/
    • task: tk/
    • wedding: w/
    • force: f/

  2. WedLinker has the following functions

    • find a person: find
    • add a person: add
    • delete a person: delete
    • list all persons: list
    • create a tag: create-tag or ctag
    • delete a tag: delete-tag or dtag
    • tag a person: tag
    • untag a person: untag
    • list all tags: list-tags or ltags
    • create a task: create-task or ctask
    • delete a task: delete-task or dtask
    • assign a task to a vendor: assign-task or atask
    • unassign a task from a vendor: unassign-task or unatask
    • mark a task as done: mark-task or mtask
    • unmark a task as done: unmark-task or untask
    • list all task: list-tasks or ltasks
    • assign a person as a vendor: assign-vendor or asv
    • unassign a person as a vendor: unassign-vendor or uv
    • create a wedding: create-wedding or cw
    • delete a wedding: delete-wedding or dw
    • assign a person to a wedding: assign-wedding or asw
    • unassign a person from a wedding: unassign-wedding or uw
    • edit a wedding: edit-wedding or ew
    • list all wedding: list-weddings or lw
Note the difference between similar command shortcuts. 'untask' unmarks a task as done, while 'unatask' unassigns a task from a vendor. Similarly, 'ltags' can be used to list all tags, while 'ltasks' can be used to list all tasks (note the plural for both commands, 'tags' and 'tasks').

Person Features

Finding a person

Note: The guide for the find command will be based on the sample address book created on application launch, assuming no persons have been deleted. The commands can be similarly applied to edited data, but specific expected results will differ.

Suggestion: Refer to User Guide for additional test cases, such as multiple prefixes or blank keywords.

  1. Finding a person by name

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: find n/alex
      Expected: The contact Alex Yeoh is shown in the Person view. If this contact has been deleted and no other contacts whose names have the keyword Alex are in the system, an empty Person list is shown. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find n/B
      Expected: The contacts Bernice Yu, Irfan Ibrahim, and Roy Balakrishnan are shown in the Person view. If any of these contacts have been deleted, they are not shown in the Person list. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find n/roy n/Irf
      Expected: The contacts Irfan Ibrahim and Roy Balakrishnan are shown in the Person view. If any of these contacts have been deleted, they are not shown in the Person list. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    5. Test case: find n/NAMETHATDOESNOTEXIST (where NAMETHATDOESNOTEXIST is not part of the names of any Person in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    6. Test case: find n/X (where X is a character unsupported in Person names)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    7. Other incorrect find name commands to try:

      • find
      • find n/ (where name keyword is blank)
      • find n/XXX e/ (where XXX is any name keyword, and e/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by address

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: find a/30
      Expected: The contacts Alex Yeoh and Bernice Yu are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find a/serangoon a/Aljunied
      Expected: The contacts Bernice Yu, David Li, and Roy Balakrishnan are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find a/%%% (where %%% is not part of the address of any addresses of any Person in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Other incorrect find address commands to try:

      • find
      • find a/ (where name keyword is blank)
      • find a/XXX p/ (where XXX is any address keyword, and p/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by phone

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: find p/88
      Expected: The contact Alex Yeoh is shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find p/92
      Expected: The contacts Bernice Yu, Irfan Ibrahim, and Roy Balakrishnan are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find p/XXXXXXXXXX (where XXXXXXXXXX is not part of the phone number of any phone numbers of any Person in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Other incorrect find phone commands to try:

      • find
      • find p/ (where name keyword is blank)
      • find p/XXX t/ (where XXX is any phone keyword, and t/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by email

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: find e/LI
      Expected: The contact David Li is shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find e/er e/ro
      Expected: The contacts Bernice Yu and Roy Balakrishnan are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find e/XXXX@XXX.XXX (where XXXX@XXX.XXX is not part of the email of any emails of any Person in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Other incorrect find email commands to try:

      • find
      • find e/ (where email keyword is blank)
      • find e/XXX a/ (where XXX is any email keyword, and a/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by tag

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

      1. Tip: You can also enter the list-tags or ltags command to list all tags in the system.

    2. Test case: find t/guest
      Expected: The contacts Bernice Yu and Irfan Ibrahim are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find t/photographer t/HOTEL MANAGER
      Expected: The contacts Alex Yeoh and Irfan Ibrahim are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find t/NONEXISTENTTAG (where NONEXISTENTTAG is not a Tag in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Test case: find t/UNASSIGNEDTAG (where UNASSIGNEDTAG is a Tag in the system, but there are no Persons tagged with it)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    6. Other incorrect find tag commands to try:

      • find
      • find t/ (where tag keyword is blank)
      • find t/XXX a/ (where XXX is any tag keyword, and a/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

      1. Tip: You can also enter the list-weddings or lw command to list all weddings in the system.

    2. Test case: find w/wedding 2
      Expected: The contact Charlotte Oliveiro is shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find w/August w/Case
      Expected: The contacts Alex Yeoh, Charlotte Oliveiro, and Irfan Ibrahim are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find w/NONEXISTENTWEDDING (where NONEXISTENTWEDDING is not a Wedding in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Test case: find w/UNASSIGNEDWEDDING (where UNASSIGNEDWEDDING is a Wedding in the system, but there are no Persons assigned to it)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    6. Test case: find w/
      Expected: The currently shown Person list is unchanged. Error details shown in the status message, as blank keywords cannot be searched.

    7. Test case: find w/tom's wedding t/
      Expected: The currently shown Person list is unchanged. Error details shown in the status message, as only one prefix can be searched at a time.

    8. Other incorrect find wedding commands to try:

      • find
      • find w/ (where wedding keyword is blank)
      • find w/XXX p/ (where XXX is any wedding keyword, and a/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Finding a person by task

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

      1. Tip: You can also enter the list-tasks or ltasks command to list all tasks in the system.

    2. Test case: find tk/invitations
      Expected: The contact David Li is shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    3. Test case: find tk/send tk/hair
      Expected: The contacts David Li and Irfan Ibrahim are shown in the Person view. The status message reflects the success of the find command.

    4. Test case: find tk/NONEXISTENTTASK (where NONEXISTENTTASK is not a Task in the system)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    5. Test case: find tk/UNASSIGNEDTASK (where UNASSIGNEDTASK is a Task in the system, but there are no Persons assigned to it)
      Expected: The system shows a blank list of Persons. The status message reflects that no contacts were found to match the keyword.

    6. Other incorrect find task commands to try:

      • find
      • find tk/ (where task keyword is blank)
      • find tk/XXX e/ (where XXX is any task keyword, and a/ is any other valid prefix in WedLinker)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

Listing persons

  1. Listing persons when viewing all persons.

    1. Test case: list
      Expected: Person list displayed will remain unchanged, and all persons in the Person list will be shown.

  1. Listing persons when viewing a filtered view of persons.

    1. Test case: list
      Expected: Person list displayed will change to show all persons in the Person list.

Adding a person

  1. Adding a person

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. At least one person in the list.

    2. Test case: add n/Nancy Drew p/9911882 e/
      Expected: A new contact with name Nancy Drew, phone 9911882, and email is added to the Person list.

    3. Test case: add n/Tatiana Komarova w/NEW WEDDING t/NEW TAG (where NEW WEDDING and NEW TAG are a wedding and tag, respectively, that do not yet exist in WedLinker)
      Expected: A new contact with name Tatiana Komarova is added to the Person list. A new tag with name NEW TAG is added to the Tag list. A new wedding with name NEW WEDDING is added to the Wedding list. The new contact, Tatiana Komarova, will be tagged with NEW TAG and will be assigned to the wedding NEW WEDDING.

    4. Test case (following Test case 4): add n/Tatiana Komarova
      Expected: The Person list remains unchanged. System displays an error indicating that the person already exists in WedLinker.

    5. Test case: add n/Felicia D'Alimaty w/EXISTING WEDDING t/EXISTING TAG (where EXISTING WEDDING and EXISTING TAG are a wedding and tag, respectively, that exist in WedLinker)
      Expected: A new contact with name Felicia D'Alimaty is added to the Person list. No new tags or weddings will be created. The new contact, Felicia D'Alimaty, will be tagged with EXISTING TAG and will be assigned to the wedding EXISTING WEDDING.

    6. Other incorrect add commands to try:

      • add
      • add n/NAME e/ tk/TASK (where tk/ is the task prefix, and the email field restricts input values according to the User Guide)
      • add n/ (with a blank name keyword)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

Editing a person

  1. Editing a person while all persons are being shown

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: edit 1 p/9927364
      Expected: First contact has their phone number updated to 9927364. Details of the edited contact shown in the status message. List of Persons is updated to show the first contact's new details.

    3. Test case: edit 2 a/Blk 99, Adams Avenue e/ (assuming there are at least 2 people in the current Person list displayed)
      Expected: Second contact has their address updated to Blk 99, Adams Avenue and their email updated to Details of the edited contact shown in the status message. List of Persons is updated to show the second contact's new details.

    4. Incorrect delete commands to try:

      • edit
      • edit 1 (where no prefixes are specified)
      • edit x a/Blk 99 (where x is an integer larger than the list size)
      • edit 1 tk/XXX (where tk/ is the task prefix, which the edit command does not support - similarly, can test w/ and t/ prefixes)
        Expected: Person list remains unchanged. System displays error describing source of problem with the command.

  1. Editing a person when a filtered list is being shown.

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Use the find command to filter the list by either name, phone, address, email, tag, wedding, or task. Multiple persons in the list, but not the same number as the list of all contacts.

      1. Tip: If the sample data is loaded, this can be done by entering the find n/c command or the find t/guest command. Refer to the find command for more details.
    2. Valid test cases similar to 1.2 and 1.3 of Editing a person can be tested in filtered view.

    3. Incorrect test cases similar to 1.4 of Editing a person can be tested in filtered view, accounting for the lesser number of Persons in the currently displayed list.

Deleting a person

  1. Deleting a person while all persons are being shown

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

    2. Test case: delete 1
      Expected: First contact is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: delete 0
      Expected: No person is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

    4. Other incorrect delete commands to try:

      • delete
      • delete x (where x is an integer larger than the list size)
      • delete e (where e is a string, a non-integer, or any other data type)
      • delete 1 random (where the list of persons has at least 1 person, and random is an extraneous input of any data type)

        Expected: Similar to previous.

  1. Deleting a person when a filtered list is being shown

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Use the find command to filter the list by either name, phone, address, email, tag, wedding, or task. Multiple persons in the list, but not the same number as the list of all contacts.

      1. Tip: If the sample data is loaded, this can be done by entering the find n/c command or the find t/guest command. Refer to the find command for more details.
    2. Test case: delete 1
      Expected: First contact in the filtered list is deleted. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message. When listing all contacts, contact that was first in the filtered list is deleted from the list.

    3. Test case: delete x (where x is an integer greater than the number of persons shown in the current filtered list, but smaller than the number of all contacts) Expected: No person is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

    4. Other incorrect test cases to try can be found at point 1.iv of Deleting a person

Vendor Features

Assigning vendors

Suggestion: You can tell which contacts are Vendors and which are not by looking for the red VENDOR label in the Person view on the left.

  1. Assigning a Person as a vendor

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list, not all of whom are Vendors.

    2. Test case: assign-vendor 2 (assuming the second Person is not a Vendor)
      Expected: Contact 2 is updated to be a Vendor and the Person list is updated to show this. Status message shows successful vendor assignment.

    3. Test case (following Test case 2): assign-vendor 2 (assuming the second Person is now a Vendor)
      Expected: No contacts are updated and the Person list remains unchanged. Error details shown in status message indicating that contact 2 is already a Vendor.

    4. Test case: assign-vendor
      Expected: No contacts are updated and the Person list remains unchanged. Error details shown in status message.

Unassigning vendors

Suggestion: You can tell which contacts are Vendors and which are not by looking for the red VENDOR label in the Person view on the left.

  1. Unassigning a Person as a vendor

    1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list, some of whom are Vendors.

    2. Test case: unassign-vendor 1 (assuming the first Person is a Vendor with no tasks assigned)
      Expected: Contact 1 is updated to no longer be a Vendor and the Person list is updated to show this. Status message shows successful vendor unassignment.

    3. Test case (following Test case 2): unassign-vendor 1 (assuming the first Person is now no longer a Vendor)
      Expected: No contacts are updated and the Person list remains unchanged. Error details shown in status message indicating that contact 1 is not a Vendor.

    4. Test case: unassign-vendor 4 (assuming the fourth Person is a Vendor with tasks assigned)
      Expected: No contacts are updated and the Person list remains unchanged. Error details shown in status message indicating that contact 1 is a Vendor with tasks still assigned.

    5. Test case: unassign-vendor 4 f/ (assuming the fourth Person is a Vendor with tasks assigned)
      Expected: Contact 4 is updated to no longer be a Vendor and the Person list is updated to show this. All previously assigned tasks are removed from contact 4. Status message shows successful vendor unassignment.

    6. Test case: assign-vendor
      Expected: No contacts are updated and the Person list remains unchanged. Error details shown in status message.

Wedding Features

Creating Wedding

  1. Creating a new Wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command.

    2. Test case: create-wedding w/John's Wedding
      Expected: John's Wedding is added to the list of weddings. Details of the added wedding are shown in the status message.

  1. Creating a Wedding already in the list of Weddings

    1. Test case: create-wedding w/John's Wedding (assuming John's Wedding is in the list of Weddings already)
      Expected: No weddings are added to list of weddings. Error details shown indicating that the Wedding already exists.

    2. Test case: create-wedding w/JOHN'S WEDDING (assuming John's Wedding is in the list of Weddings already)
      Expected: No weddings are added to list of weddings. Error details shown indicating that the Wedding already exists.

Deleting Wedding

  1. Deleting a Wedding already in the list of Weddings

    1. Test case: delete-wedding w/John's Wedding (assuming John's Wedding is in the list of Weddings already and has no people assigned to it)
      Expected: John's Wedding is removed from the list of Weddings. Details of the removed wedding are shown in the status message.

    2. Test case: delete-wedding w/John's Wedding (assuming John's Wedding is in the list of Weddings already and does have people assigned to it)
      Expected: No weddings are removed from list of weddings. Error details shown indicating that John's Wedding is still used.

    3. Test case: delete-wedding w/John's Wedding f/ (assuming John's Wedding is in the list of Weddings already and does have people assigned to it)
      Expected: John's Wedding is removed from the list of Weddings. Details of the removed wedding are shown in the status message.

  1. Deleting a Wedding not in the list of Weddings

    1. Test case: delete-wedding w/Maddy's Wedding (assuming Maddy's Wedding is not in the list of Weddings) Expected: No weddings are removed from list of weddings. Error details shown indicating that the Wedding does not exist.

Editing Wedding

  1. Editing a Wedding in the Wedding list

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command. At least 2 weddings exist in the system.

    2. Test case: edit-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding a/Address1 d/2024-12-31 (assuming John's Wedding does not exist in the system)
      Expected: The first wedding's name is set to John's Wedding, with address Address1 and date 2024-12-31. The new details of the wedding are shown in the Wedding list. Details of edited wedding are shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: edit-wedding 2 w/John's Wedding a/Address1 d/2024-12-31 (assuming John's Wedding exists in the system)
      Expected: No weddings are altered in the list of weddings. Error details shown indicating that John's Wedding already exists.

    4. Test case: edit-wedding X w/Carla's Wedding (where X is greater than the number of weddings in the Wedding list)
      Expected: No weddings are altered in the list of weddings. Error details shown indicating the wedding number is too high.

Assigning Wedding

  1. Assigning a Wedding in the Wedding list to a Person not assigned to the Wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command. At least 1 wedding exists in the system. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 Person exists in the list.

    2. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding
      Expected: The first contact is put in John's Wedding's guest list and the first contact is assigned John's Wedding on its contact card.

    3. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding p1/ (assuming John's Wedding does not yet have a partner 1 assigned)
      Expected: The first contact is set as John's Wedding's Partner 1 and the first contact is assigned John's Wedding on its contact card.

    4. Test case: assign-wedding 2 w/John's Wedding p1/ (assuming John's Wedding does have a partner 1 assigned)
      Expected: The first contact is set as John's Wedding's Partner 1 and the first contact is assigned John's Wedding on its contact card. John's Wedding is unassigned from the contact card of the contact that was previously assigned as Partner 1.

    5. Similar test cases to 3 and 4 can be attempted with the [p2/] prefix instead to test assigning weddings to contacts as Partner 2. Expected: Similar to expected results for 3 and 4.

    6. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/Wedding August 19th 2029 (assuming that Wedding August 19th 2029 is not in the Wedding list)
      Expected: No weddings are assigned to any contacts. Error details shown in status message indicating that the Wedding does not exist.

    7. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/Wedding August 19th 2029 f/ (assuming that Wedding August 19th 2029 is not in the Wedding list)
      Expected: The wedding Wedding August 19th 2029 is created and shown in the Wedding list. The first contact is put in Wedding August 19th 2029's guest list and the first contact is assigned Wedding August 19th 2029 on its contact card.

  1. Assigning a Wedding in the Wedding list to a Person assigned to the Wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command. At least 1 wedding exists in the system. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 Person exists in the list that does not have one Wedding assigned to them.

    2. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding p1/ (assuming John's Wedding already has person 1 assigned either in guest list, partner 1, or partner 2)
      Expected: No weddings are assigned to any contacts. Error details shown in status message indicating that the Wedding is already assigned to the Person.

  1. Assigning a Wedding in the Wedding List to a Person when the Wedding is not in the Wedding List

    1. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 Person exists in the list.

    2. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding (assuming that John's Wedding is not in the Wedding list)
      Expected: No contact is assigned. Error details shown.

    3. Test case: assign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding f/ (assuming that John's Wedding is not in the Wedding list)
      Expected: 1st contact is put in John's Wedding's guest list and 1st contact has John's Wedding on its contact card.

Unassigning Wedding

  1. Unassigning a Wedding in the Wedding list from a Person assigned to the Wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command. At least 1 wedding exists in the system. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 Person exists in the list that has 1 wedding assigned.

    2. Test case: unassign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding (assuming the first contact is assigned to John's Wedding)
      Expected: 1st contact is removed from John's Wedding and John's Wedding is removed from their contact card.

  1. Unassigning a Wedding in the Wedding list from a Person not assigned to the Wedding

    1. Prerequisites: List all weddings using the list-weddings command. At least 1 wedding exists in the system. List all persons using the list command. At least 1 Person exists in the list.

    2. Test case: unassign-wedding 1 w/John's Wedding (assuming the first contact is not assigned to John's Wedding)
      Expected: No weddings are unassigned. Error details shown.

Task Features

Creating Task

  1. Creating a new Task

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-tasks command.

    2. Test case: create-task tk/Task1
      Expected: Task1 is added to list of tasks. Details of the added task are shown in the status message.

  1. Creating a Task already in the list of Tasks

    1. Test case: create-task tk/Task1 (assuming Task1 is in the list of Tasks already)
      Expected: No tasks are added to list of tasks. Error details shown indicating that the Task already exists.

    2. Test case: create-task tk/task1 (assuming Task1 is in the list of Tasks already)
      Expected: No tasks are added to list of tasks. Error details shown indicating that the Task already exists.

Deleting Task

  1. Deleting a Task already in the list of Tasks, if there is only 1 task in the list.

    1. Test case: delete-task 1(assuming the first task is in the list of Tasks already)
      Expected: 1st task is removed from the list of Tasks. Details of the removed task are shown in the status message.

    2. Test case: delete-task 2
      Expected: No tasks are removed from list of tasks. Error details shown indicating that the index is invalid.

Assigning Tasks

  1. Assigning a Task to a Person

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-tasks command. There is at least one Task in the list of Tasks. List all contacts using the list command. There is are at least two contacts in the Person list, one of whom is a Vendor.

    2. Test case: assign-task 1 1 (assuming contact 1 is a Vendor that does not have Task 1 assigned to them yet)
      Expected: The first contact has Task on their contact card. Details of the assigned task are shown in the status message.

    3. Test case (following Test case 2): assign-task 1 1 (assuming contact 1 is a Vendor who now has Task 1 assigned to them)
      Expected: No tasks are assigned. Error details shown in the status message indicating that the Task is already assigned.

    4. Test case: assign-task 2 1 (assuming contact 2 is not a Vendor)
      Expected: No tasks are assigned. Error details shown in the status message indicating that Person 2 is not a Vendor.

    5. Test case: assign-task 1 X (assuming contact 1 is a Vendor, and X is greater than the number of tasks in the Task list)
      Expected: No tasks are assigned. Error details shown in the status message indicating that the Task is not a valid one.

Unassigning Tasks

  1. Unassigning a Task from a Person

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-tasks command. There is at least one Task in the list of Tasks. List all contacts using the list command. There is are at least two contacts in the Person list, one of whom is a Vendor.

    2. Test case: unassign-task 1 2 (assuming contact 1 is a Vendor that has one Task assigned to them)
      Expected: No tasks are unassigned. Error details shown in the status message indicating that the Vendor does not have the Task.

    3. Test case (following Test case 2): assign-task 1 1 (assuming contact 1 is a Vendor that has one Task assigned to them)
      Expected: The first contact is unassigned their first Task on their contact card. Details of the unassigned task are shown in the status message.

    4. Test case: assign-task 2 1 (assuming contact 2 is not a Vendor)
      Expected: No tasks are unassigned. Error details shown in the status message indicating that Person 2 does not have any Task assigned.

Marking Task

  1. Marking a Task as complete

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-tasks command. There is at least one Task in the list of Tasks.

    2. Test case: mark-task 1
      Expected: Task 1 is marked as complete. Details of complete task are shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: mark-task X (where X is greater than the number of tasks in the Task list)
      Expected: No tasks are marked as complete. Error details shown in the status message indicating that the Task is not a valid one.

    4. Test case: mark-task 1 2 3 (where there are at least three tasks in the Task list)
      Expected: Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are marked as complete. Details of complete tasks are shown in the status message.

    5. Test case: mark-task 1 2 3 4 5 (where there are only three tasks in the Task list)
      Expected: Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are marked as complete. Error details shown in the status message indicating that other Tasks are not valid ones.

Unmarking Task

  1. Unmarking a Task as complete

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-tasks command. There is at least one Task in the list of Tasks.

    2. Test case: unmark-task 1
      Expected: Task 1 is marked as incomplete. Details of incomplete task are shown in the status message.

    3. Similar test cases to Test cases 3, 4, and 5 in marking a Task as complete can be tested for unmark-task. Expected results are similar.

Tag Features

Creating Tag

  1. Creating a tag when Tag 1 is not in the list of Tags.

    1. Test case: create-tag w/Tag1
      Expected: Tag1 is added to list of Tags. Details of the added tag are shown.

  1. Creating a tag when Tag 1 is in the list of Tags.

    1. Test case: create-tag w/Tag1
      Expected: No tags are added to list of Tags. Error details shown.

    2. Test case: create-tag w/tag1
      Expected: No tags are added to list of Tags. Error details shown.

Deleting Tag

  1. Deleting a tag when Tag 1 is in the list of Tags.

    1. Test case: delete-tag w/Tag1
      Expected: Tag1 is removed from list of Tags. Details of the removed tag are shown.

  1. Deleting a tag when Tag 1 is not in the list of Tags.
    1. Test case: delete-tag w/Tag1
      Expected: No tags are removed from list of Tags. Error details shown.

Tagging contact

  1. Tagging the first contact when Tag 1 is in the list of Tags and the first contact is not tagged with Tag1.

    1. Test case: tag 1 t/Tag1
      Expected: 1st contact is tagged with Tag1. Details of the updated contact are shown.

  1. Tagging the first contact when Tag 1 is in the list of Tags and the first contact is already tagged with Tag1.
    1. Test case: tag 1 t/Tag1
      Expected: No contacts are tagged. Error details shown.

  1. Tagging the first contact when Tag1 is in the list of Tags and the first contact is already tagged with Tag1.
    1. Test case: tag 1 t/Tag1
      Expected: No contacts are tagged. Error details shown.

  1. Tagging the first contact when Tag1 is not in the list of Tags.

    1. Test case: tag 1 t/Tag1
      Expected: No contact is tagged. Error details shown.

  1. Test case: tag 1 t/Tag1 f/
    Expected: 1st contact is tagged with newly created Tag1. Details of the updated contact are shown.

Untagging contact

  1. Untagging the first contact when the first contact is tagged with Tag1.

    1. Test case: untag 1 w/Tag1
      Expected: Tag1 is removed from their contact card.

  1. Untagging the first contact when the first contact is not tagged with Tag1.

    1. Test case: untag 1 w/Tag1
      Expected: No contacts are untagged. Error details shown.

General Features

Saving data

  1. Saving data altered during application use

    1. WedLinker automatically saves data to the hard disk during operation. Any operations that change details of contacts, weddings, tags, or tasks will be saved immediately following the operations is successfully executed.
  2. Dealing with missing/corrupted data files

    1. Upon booting up WedLinker and the contact/wedding/tag/task list is not as per expected, open the data folder where WedLinker stores data.

    2. Within the folder, open addressbook.json and identify any mistakes with stored data.
      The terminal from where WedLinker.jar is launched should log where the file is corrupted.

    3. If the data is beyond repair, delete the entire data folder or the addressbook.json file to start afresh with sample data.

Appendix: Efforts

WedLinker is a project adapted from the original AddressBook3 (AB3) customized specifically for wedding planners by our team of five. Throughout this project, we split the work evenly and adhered to the principles and concepts that were taught by the CS2103T teaching team, including:

As we envisioned an application for wedding planners, we concocted multiple features based on feedback from the wedding planners we interviewed. These are the features that shape the WedLinker you see today.

Difficulty Level:

Adapting from the original AB3 to the WedLinker has been difficult as we opted for a more daring approach to implement many features that wedding planners wanted. As with any software, the more features implemented, the more bugs there are, and WedLinker was no exception to it.

As a result, the difficulty of developing WedLinker came not only from the myriad of features we had to implement (and alter from the original AB3), but to also ensure that there were minimal bugs created.

Challenges Faced:

With the number of features that we wanted to implement, we had used the Forking Workflow that enabled us to work on numerous features, debugs, or minor adjustments concurrently. However, with the Forking Workflow came some drawbacks that we personally experienced, such as the extra overhead of sending everything through forks, as well as the increased possibility of merge conflicts.

The numerous number of features also meant that our test coverage had to be extensive. This was a challenge as we had to write new test codes for every single new feature implemented and perform regression testing with all previous features that might be potentially affected.

We also faced having to make design choices such as bidirectional navigability between Person and Wedding, resulting in further design choices in storage of these data that relies on each other whilst maintaining validity checks.

Effort Required:

As we had chosen to implement numerous features and inevitably introduced bugs per iteration, the effort required to resolve these issues were higher than if we had opted to be safe and tweak AB3 just a little.


As of 12 Nov 2024, WedLinker has:

Appendix: Planned Enhancements

Team size: 5

Based on the current implementation of WedLinker, there are known bugs and limitations that we are unable to resolve due to the feature freeze. The plans to improve our features are as follows:

  1. Resolve name overflow for Tags and Weddings: Currently, there is a small GUI bug that occurs when the names of Tags and Weddings are excessively long, causing them to overflow, which causes cosmetic flaws. The planned enhancement would be to truncate the name with an ellipses ..., particularly by limiting the children of the list panels (e.g., the left pane that shows the list of People is a list panel) to adhere to the width restrictions of the parent.

  2. Duplicate validation for Person, Wedding, Task and Tag entities: Currently, there is a duplicate validation bug that allows the creation of certain "duplicate" Person, Wedding, Task and Tag objects. For example, "John Doe" and "John Doe" (the same name but with an extra space), are not recognised as duplicates in WedLinker although they are likely to refer to the same entity in the real world. The planned enhancement would be to update the parser to normalise input by stripping all extra whitespace, leaving only a single space between keywords, before creating the respective command objects. This will ensure that entries with excessive spaces are treated as duplicates where appropriate.

  3. Vendor validation when unassigning Tasks from Person: Currently, there is a missing validation in unassign-task command that negates the check of whether a Person is a Vendor, resulting in an incorrect error message to be shown. When a user tries to execute the unassign-task command on a Person who is not a Vendor and thus cannot even have tasks assigned to it, the error message indicates that there are no tasks in the person's list, rather than indicating that the person is not a Vendor. However, there is no functionality flaw and the application runs as intended. The planned enhancements would be to add validation to ensure the target person is a Vendor and show a more indicative error message.

  4. Make unassign-wedding case-insensitive: The unassign-wedding PERSON_INDEX w/WEDDING_NAME command is case-sensitive for the WEDDING_NAME. This means that the command will only unassign a Wedding if the case of the WEDDING_NAME exactly matches case of the word as stored in WedLinker. This limits the speed with which users can use the application, and does not align with the case sensitivity defined for Weddings in the Wedding::isSameWedding(Wedding) function, nor does it reflect real-world case-sensitivity of wedding names. The planned enhancement would be to ensure that when unassigning weddings, case is ignored and the Wedding::isSameWedding(Wedding) function is used to check for ensure proper matching of Wedding regardless of case.

  5. Make untag case-insensitive: The untag PERSON_INDEX t/TAG_NAME command is case-sensitive for the TAG_NAME. This means that the command will only untag a Tag if the case of the TAG_NAME exactly matches case of the word as stored in WedLinker. This limits the speed with which users can use the application and does not align with the case sensitivity defined for Tag in the Tag::isSameTag(Tag) function, nor does it reflect real-world case-sensitivity of tag names. The planned enhancement would be to ensure that when untagging Person objects, case is ignored and the Tag::isSameTag(Tag) function is used to check for ensure proper matching of Tag regardless of case.

  6. Allow searching contacts with blank fields: Currently, the find command does not support searching for contacts with blank field values. For example, using the command find a/, where the address field is empty, will display an error on the GUI telling the user that the field to be searched cannot be empty. However, contacts can currently be added with all fields, other from name, blank. Thus, there may be valid cases where users want to search for contacts with certain blank fields. The planned enhancement would be to modify the find command to allow users to search for contacts with blank fields. When no keywords are provided after a prefix (e.g., find a/), the application should return a list of contacts where the corresponding field is blank.

  7. Allow processing of multiple partner tags for assign-wedding: The assign-wedding command accepts the parameters w/WEDDING_NAME [p1/] [p2/], where the partner tags optionally assign the person being assigned as a partner for the wedding specified by WEDDING_NAME. Currently, if multiple partner tags are entered, regardless of their order, the person is assigned as the first partner in the given wedding. However, users might want to be notified of a mistake they are making in assigning a partner for a wedding if they accidentally include both tags, especially as this might overwrite an existing partner for the wedding. The planned enhancement would be to add processing that checks for two partner tags and either considers the orders of the tag (and assigns the person as whichever partner tag is specified first), or that signals an error to the user in the command they enter.

  8. Allow automatic update of User Interface upon changing data values: For some commands, such as unassign-wedding, the User Interface will update when it is clicked on to show the updated data but, sometimes, will not automatically update when the command is run. The planned enhancement would be to either add more listeners for all commands in the UI components to ensure they are always updated when a command is entered or to make sure each command modifies the underlying lists in a way that will cause the UI to automatically update.